Beauty dilemmas everyone encounters on Spring Break & how to avoid them

You’ve been looking forward to spring break since… well let’s face it, last spring break! Only for you to get there and experience things like allergies, rashes and sunburn! Issa NO from me! I want to have that golden tan, be refreshed, hydrated and ready to laugh and dance till the sun comes up. Here’s a few best practices on how to avoid it all going wrong:

1. Dehydration

Let’s start with keeping your skin and body hydrated. The travel time… the plane… the sun and all that alcohol will literally suck all the moisture from your body. Why not start with a hydrating face mask for the plane ride? You can get one as cheap as 99p and your skin will love you for it. Personally, my favourite is the ‘Garnier Moisture Bomb Sheet mask’ and boys don’t be shy— It’s 2018 and we’re all taking care of our skin now too.

Next, make sure you get a good hydrating body cream. Aveeno is my go to and I also use this for my face. It’s all natural and has oat in it which is soothing and locks moisture (you can also get it prescribed by your doctor if your skin is dry or you’re broke … no one is judging!). Also make sure that you drink lots of water throughout the day, ready for the cocktails in the evening!

2. Sun-burn

Now let’s talk Suntan lotion and getting your skin ready for the sun (ESPECIALLY if you come from England). It’s a myth that you can’t tan whilst wearing factor 50, so I recommend that you get a high SPF/UVA waterproof lotion and apply every few hours. If you want to get the best tan, start with applying a tan accelerator such as ‘Fox Tan’ a few days before going. This contains ingredients which stimulate skin cells to produce that magical melanin, helping you tan faster when exposed to the sun! No one wants to look like a lobster after day one and if you do unfortunately burn, the best solution is some pure Aloe Vera gel which will soothe and moisturise your skin.

3. Irritation and allergies

Being in another climate, you can experience all sorts of annoyances. Things like heat rash, irritated eyes due to chlorine and salt water, mosquito bites and reactions etc, etc. I hate to sound all boring ‘Mum’ on you when all you want to do is forget your parents for the week, but it’s so beneficial that you make a small ‘first aid kit’ to take with you, so you’re not running to the chemist and spending your drink money on basics that you can get back at home for free (and on a party holiday it’s kind of part of your essentials). Things like eye drops, pain killers, plasters, vaseline, anti-histamines (those are allergy tablets like Benadryl) and insect repellants are usually things most people have anyway. Just pack them in a small zip-lock bag and you will be prepared for almost anything that could go wrong … and believe me! Things don’t always go to plan (just ask DJ Step about his ‘man don’t burn’ incident).

What are your best tips for avoiding beauty dilemmas whilst at spring break? Leave us a comment and let us know! See you next year.